Atlantic Spine Specialists Our Blog Overcoming Sciatica: From Pain to Relief Health Tips Sciatica is a painful condition often resulting from nerve compression along the sciatic pathway which spans the lower back buttocks and down throu... Cervical Myelopathy: A Serious Spinal Cord Condition Back Injuries Cervical myelopathy is a serious condition where the spinal cord in the neck is compressed. This condition, often linked to cervical spinal stenosi... Richard S. Nachwalter, MD Insights on Luigi Mangione’s Back Pain and Spinal Fusion Surgery Back Injuries In a recent Reuters article, Richard S. Nachwalter, MD Fellowship Trained Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, a fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon, ... Richard S. Nachwalter, MD on CNN – Discussing Luigi Mangione’s Back Surgery and Chronic Pain Blog Richard S. Nachwalter, MD Fellowship Trained Orthopedic Spine Surgeon, recently appeared on CNN to discuss the case of Luigi Mangione, a young pati... Recovering from a Lumbar Discectomy: What to Expect Blog Lumbar discectomy is a surgical procedure aimed at relieving pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc in the lower back. While the surgery can be... Why Choose a Specialist? Benefits of a Spinal Surgeon’s Expertise Blog When it comes to spinal health, the importance of specialized care cannot be overstated. Spinal issues can be complex and require the expert knowle... Understanding Cervical Radiculopathy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Back Injuries Cervical radiculopathy is a term used to describe pain that occurs when cervical nerves in the neck become injured or inflamed. This condition can ... Understanding the Differences Between Cervical and Lumbar Herniated Discs Back Injuries Herniated discs are a common spinal condition that can lead to significant discomfort and impairment. While both cervical and lumbar herniated disc... Breaking Free from Lumbar Stenosis: A Comprehensive Guide to Surgery and Recovery Health Tips At Atlantic Spine Specialists, we understand that lower back pain and leg pain can significantly impact your life, particularly as you get older. T... Fractured but Unbroken: A Comprehensive Guide to Spinal Fracture Recovery Spinal Treatment Introduction Spinal fractures can be a devastating injury, both physically and emotionally. But with the right care and support, it's possible to r... Spondylolysis: The Precursor to Spondylolisthesis Blog Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis are often used interchangeably, but they represent distinct stages of a spinal condition. While they are interc... Back Pain: When Surgery May Be the Answer Blog Back pain is a pervasive issue affecting millions worldwide. While many cases resolve with conservative treatments like physical therapy, medicatio... Hip Pain and Back Pain: Unraveling the Connection Back Injuries Do you experience pain in both your hip and back? You might be surprised to learn that these two areas are often intimately connected. At Atlantic ... Back in the Game: Living an Active Lifestyle After Spine Surgery Health Tips You've always been active – maybe even an athlete – and now you're facing spine surgery. It's natural to worry about your ability to return to your... Conquering the Ache: Your Guide to Lumbar Herniated Disc Health Tips The lower back. It's the workhorse of our bodies, allowing us to bend, twist and lift. But sometimes, this crucial area can become a source of inte... Second Chances for Your Spine: Understanding Revision Surgery Spinal Treatment Spine surgery can be very complex and while most procedures are successful, there are times when a patient may require a second surgery, called rev... Understanding Disc Desiccation: What You Need to Know Health Tips Today, we're diving into a common but often misunderstood topic in spine health: disc desiccation. If you've ever experienced back pain or have con... Understanding the Types of Scoliosis – A Guide for Adults Health Tips Scoliosis isn't just a condition that affects children; it can also impact adults, sometimes going undiagnosed for years. As board-certified spine ... Q&A Session: Common Patient Questions About Surgery and Recovery Health Tips Navigating through the decision to undergo spine surgery can be daunting. At Atlantic Spine Specialists, Carl P. Giordano MD and Richard S. Nachwal... Unlocking the Key to Successful Recovery: Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy After Spine Surgery Health Tips At Atlantic Spine Specialists, we understand that undergoing spine surgery is a significant step toward regaining your quality of life. It's crucia... Navigating the Surgical Journey: What to Expect Before, During and After… Health Tips Embarking on a surgical journey, especially one related to spine health, can be daunting. However, with the right information and preparation, pati... Decoding Spinal Stenosis: What You Need to Know Spinal Spinal stenosis is a condition that affects the spine, causing discomfort and limiting daily activities for many individuals. Let's break down the ... The Role of Spine Surgery in Transforming Lives: Patient Success Stories Spinal Treatment Chronic back pain can be an unwelcome companion, affecting not only physical well-being but also casting a shadow on the overall quality of life. W... The Silent Struggle: Chronic Back Pain and Mental Health Back Injuries Living with chronic back pain is more than a physical challenge—it's a silent enemy that can have a significant impact on mental health. Let's expl... Understanding Spinal Tumors and Their Connection to Back Pain Back Injuries When it comes to back pain, there are numerous potential causes, some more common than others. Spinal tumors may be the source of this discomfort. ... 10 Helpful Recovery Tips After Spinal Surgery Spinal Treatment Being told that you need back surgery can be very unsettling. Having plans in place and ensuring a speedy recovery can make things feel more secure... Listen to Your Back: When Should You Seek Medical Help for Back Pain? Health Tips Back pain is a common occurrence in our everyday life. About 80% of people will experience back discomfort at some point in their lives. While the ... Relieving Sciatica Through Laminectomy Surgery Spinal Treatment Living with acute sciatica pain can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your day. At Atlantic Spine Specialists, we understand the overwhelm... 3 Signs Your Back Pain Is Something More Serious Back Injuries Back pain is a common problem that affects many individuals in their daily lives. While most cases of back pain result from muscle strain or poor p... Alleviating Spine Pain Through Nutrition Spinal Treatment Spine pain, often associated with chronic back and neck pain, can significantly impact one's overall quality of life. While proper medical care, ph... Maintaining a Healthy Spine: Tips for a Strong and Pain-Free Back Health Tips Your spine plays a vital role in supporting your body and facilitating movement. Taking proactive measures to prevent spine problems and maintain a... Ensuring Your Child’s Spine Health: Essential Tips for the New School Year Health Tips As a parent, you want the best for your child, and their spine health is no exception. With the new school year approaching, it's essential to equi... Understanding and Treating Common Spine Problems: A Comprehensive Guide Spinal Treatment The spine is a vital component of the human body, providing support, stability and flexibility. However, it is susceptible to various conditions an... Lumbar Spinal Fusion: Surgical Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain Back Injuries Chronic low back pain can greatly affect daily life, making even simple activities challenging. If conservative treatments have failed to provide r... Understanding Spinal Fractures: Causes, Types and Treatment Back Injuries Spinal fractures, also known as vertebral fractures, can greatly affect your quality of life. Whether caused by accidents, trauma, osteoporosis or ... Understanding Sciatica: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options Spinal Sciatica is a common health condition that affects millions of people in the United States. It is a medical term used to describe the irritation or... Chronic Back Pain: Understanding the Causes and Treatments Back Injuries Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and occupations. It is estimated that over 80% of adults in the United Stat... Cervical Disc Replacement: A Comprehensive Guide Spinal Cervical disc replacement involves replacing a diseased or damaged cervical disc, located in the neck and acts as a shock absorber between the adja... Lumbar Stenosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options for Narrowing of the Spinal Canal and Its Impact on Lower Back Pain Spinal Lumbar stenosis is a common condition that affects the spinal column in the lumbar area of the back, causing the narrowing of the spinal canal and ... What Is Lumbar Disc Herniation Spinal Lumbar disc herniation is a common problem that affects the intervertebral discs, the shock absorbers located between the vertebrae of the spinal c... Do you need surgery to cure sciatica? Back Injuries Sciatica is more than just low back pain as it can radiate down one side of the body. When the symptoms are severe enough, the pain could halt your... 7 Tips for a Healthy Spine Health Tips 7 Tips for a Healthy Spine Whether you have a spinal condition or not, maintaining a healthy spine as you age is critical for your health and quali... 6 Causes of Lower Back and Hip Pain Back Injuries Your lower back and hip are co-dependent on each other. They share many muscle groups, so it’s no wonder that disruption or pain in one tends to ca... How Exercise Contributes to Spine Health Back Injuries It’s no secret how beneficial exercise is for the human body. We are supposed to be active people and while lifestyles and work can make that harde... October is Spine Health Awareness Month Spinal October has two very special occasions to recognize spine health -- the entire month has been dedicated as Spine Health Awareness Month, and Octobe... How Yoga Can Improve Spine Health Health Tips The spine is your body’s central support structure and is important for stability and movement. The spine is key in basic movements such as sittin... Does Spine Health Affect the Rest of Your Body? Health Tips When it comes to your health, you may not be considering your spine. In fact, the spine is actually one of the most important parts of the body and... Top 6 Things You Need to Know About Spine Health Spinal It is estimated about 80% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives and chronic back pain is quite common. This medical condition... Back to School Spine Tips Spinal It's true, after all, practice makes perfect, and this is true in regards to back health. Good spine habits as a child and young adult lead to good... Weekend Warrior Mentality May Lead to Injuries Health Tips “Work hard, play hard” is the motto for Weekend Warriors. During the summer, people tend to be more active in the nice weather. Unfortunately, some... Spinal Issues While at the Beach Spinal There are two spinal issues that beachgoers should be aware of while frolicking in the surf: cervical spinal injuries and thoracic spinal injuries.... Spondylolysis in Adolescent Athletes Back Injuries Sports are a great way for kids to make new friends, learn valuable life lessons about winning and losing, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Winnin... Back Pain When Exercising Back Injuries As the weather breaks, springtime becomes the catalyst for people to begin exercising. Just as you can guarantee the gym will be packed after the n... Sports Injuries That Affect You and Your Spine Back Injuries As the weather heats up, it’s becoming almost impossible to deny oneself of having fun in the sun. While some may think America’s most popular past... What 3 Things Could Be Affecting Your Back and Neck Health? Spinal The problem with neck and back pain is that it does not discriminate; it could affect anyone, regardless of age and general health. You may be thin... Is Shoveling Snow Hurting Your Back? Spinal Is your back ready for another winter storm? Snow is wonderful for sleighing, skiing and building snowmen, but shoveling snow is everyone’s least f... What is Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? Spinal Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, otherwise referred to as Lumbar Stenosis, is a degenerative condition that results from the narrowing of the spinal canal i... Ways to Help Alleviate Back & Neck Pain on Road Trips Health Tips Around this time of the year you may be going over the river and through the woods to get to your destination, but no matter what you do, the trip&... ‘Text Neck’ and Your Spine Spinal Recently, there has been a new term popping up to describe neck pain and damage created from looking down at a cell phone, tablet, or other wireles... 3 Things You Need to Know About Sciatica Spinal Sciatica is pain, tingling, or numbness produced by an irritation of the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is formed fr... Foods That Help Arthritis Health Tips Arthritis is a painful and degenerative condition that is characterized by inflammation and loss of function in some parts of the body. This form o... The Best Ways to Avoid Back Injuries While Moving Back Injuries Moving can be a strain on everyone. Whether it’s moving into a new home or into a residence hall, it’s important to do what you can to avoid injuri... 88 Reviews 120 Reviews 149 Reviews 4 Reviews