Sports Injuries That Affect You and Your Spine
As the weather heats up, it’s becoming almost impossible to deny oneself of having fun in the sun. While some may think America’s most popular pastime has inevitably turned into watching TV, they stand corrected. For decades, sports have been the cornerstone of American culture, and paired with warm weather, the two are unstoppable. With an influx of people playing sports, the number of sportsrelated injuries is on the rise. Depending on the sport, a neck or back injury is more or less likely; however, any physical activity can leave you susceptible to injury. If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain, Atlantic Spine Specialists would like to be your advocate during this trying time.
Sports injuries that may affect the neck and spine can be caused by a multitude of variables
- Improper body mechanics and technique
- Lack of proper conditioning
- Insufficient stretching
More often than not, injuries to the back and neck caused by playing sports may just be sprains of a ligament or strains to a muscle. However, they can be more serious conditions such as Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis, both spinal conditions that require a treatment plan from your specialist. Something important to consider is routine strains and sprains have similar symptoms to serious back and neck conditions. Differentiating the two requires professional medical attention.
Sports injuries are common; in fact, according to USA Today 1.35 million youths a year have serious sports injuries. The road to recovery should be taken very seriously in regards to your neck and spine. To meet with our board certified specialists Dr. Carl P. Giordano or Dr. Richard S. Nachwalter, call 973-971-3500 and meet with us at our office located at 131
Madison Avenue #110, Morristown, NJ, 07960. Click here to schedule a consultation today!