Curriculum Vitae
Richard S. Nachwalter, MD
- Spinal Surgery – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19701 | 8/1999 – 7/2000
- Orthopaedic Surgery – State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794 | 7/1995 – 6/1999
- State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Surgery, Stony Brook, NY 11794 | 7/1994 – 6/1995
- University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine | 8/1990 – 6/1994 M.D.
- State University of New York at Binghamton, Graduated with Honors | 8/1986 – 6/1990 B.S.
- American Board Of Orthopedic Surgery | 6/2002
- Physician, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ | 8/2000
- Physician, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ | 8/2000
- New Jersey Medical License issued, 6/2000
- Fellow American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery
- North American Spine Society
- New Jersey Orthopedic Society
- New Jersey Medical Society
- Administrative Chief Resident, State University of New York at Stony Brook (7/98 – 6/99)
- University of Pittsburgh Summer Research Stipend (1991)
- University of Pittsburgh Summer Research Stipend (1992)
- Moulton MJ, Nachwalter RS, Hilibrand AS, Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ, “Management of Cervical Kyphosis in Patients with Anklosing Spondylitis”, Orthopedic Technology Review 2(5):2000.
- Vaccaro AR, Nachwalter RS, Klein GR, Seward, JM Albert TJ, Garfin SR, “The Significance of Thoracolumbar Spinal Canal Size in Spinal Cord Injury Patients”, Spine 26:371-376, 2001.
- Harris BM, Hilibrand AS, Nien YH, Nachwalter RS, Vacarro AR, Albert TJ, Siegler, S, “A Comparison of Three Screw Types for Unicortical Fixation in the Lateral Mass of the Cervical Spine”, Spine 26:2427-2431, 2001.
- Hart RA, Vaccaro AR, Nachwalter RS, McLain RF, “Cervical Facet Dislocation: When is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Indicated?” Spine 27:116-118, 2002.
- Nahmias, J., Nachwalter, RS, Karetzky, M. “Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Characteristics and Treatment With nCPAP.” Sleep Research 22:244, 1993.
- Nahmias, J., Ramos R., Nachwalter RS, Karetzky, M. “Nasal Resistance in Snorers With and Without Obstructive Sleep Apnea.” Sleep Research 22:243, 1993.
- Nahmias J, Nachwalter RS, Schaeffer J, Karetzky M. “Efficacy of Methylphenidate (Ritalin) in the Treatment of Excessive Daytime Somnolence (EDS).” Sleep Research 21:242, 1992.
- Nahmias J, Nachwalter RS, Schaeffer J, Karetzky M “Narcolepsy Verses Idiopathic CNS Hypersomnolence: A Comparison of Patient and Polysomnographic Characteristics.” Sleep Research 21:243, 1992.
- C1-2 Fusion, Anterior Approach, Tricks of the Trade, Thieme, New York, In Press.
- C1-2 Fusion, Anterolateral Approach, Tricks of the Trade, Thieme, New York, In Press.
- “Vertebral Osteomyelitis”, Complex Case Review, Newport, RI (7/12)
- “Evidence Based Medicine”, Overlook Medical Center, Summit, NJ (9/11)
- “Spinal Disorders of the Neck and Back”, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ (7/11)
- “Spinal Disorder, Current Treatment”, Kessler Rehabilitation Center, West Orange, NJ (9/11)
- “Diabetes and Spine Surgery”, Crum and Forester, Morristown, NJ (9/11)
- “Thoracic Spine Tumors”, Complex Case Review, San Diego, CA (3/09)
- “Spinal Cord Stimulators”, Liberty Mutual, Morristown, NJ (10/08)
- Vertebral Osteomyelitis, Complex Case Review, San Diego, CA (3/08)
- “Spinal Disorders of the Neck and Back”, Travelers, Parsippany, NJ (2/08)
- “New Technology in Spine Surgery”, Liberty Mutual, Roseland, NJ (1/08)
- “Thoracic Spine Tumor”, Complex Case Review, Newport, RI (7/07)
- “Cervical Spine Trauma”, Complex Case Review, Newport, RI (7/06)
- “Spinal Disorders of the Neck and Back”, Overlook Medical Center, Summit, NJ (3/06)
- “Case Presentations”, Hyatt Regency Cambridge, MD (8/04)
- “Update on Cervical Spine Trauma”, Mirror Lake Inn, Lake Placid, NY (8/03)
- “Chronic Back Pain”, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ (3/03)
- “Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Without Instrumentation”, Mirror Lake Inn, Lake Placid, NY (8/02)
- “Cervical Orthosis”, Mirror Lake Inn, Lake Placid, NY (8/02)
- “Low Back Pain, Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies”, Overlook Hospital, Summit, NJ (12/01)
- “Spinal Trauma”, Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, NJ, (7/01)
- “Degenerative and Traumatic Disorders of the Cervicothoracic Junction”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (7/00)
- “Cervical Myelopathy: Anterior Approach”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (6/00)
- “Dural Tears: Management and Sequale”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (5/00)
- “Cervical Myelopathy and Radiculopathy; Pathophysiology and Imaging”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (4/00)
- “Diagnostic Strategies in Axial Back Pain”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (2/00)
- “Scoliosis-Posterior Approach”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (1/00)
- “The Significance of Thoracolumbar Spinal Canal Size in Spinal Cord Injury Patients”, Controversies in Spine Surgery, Miami Beach, FL, (11/99)
- “Timing of MRI in acute Cervical Trauma”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, (11/99)
- “Management of Metastasis of the Spine”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, (10/99)
- “Imaging in Spinal Tumors and Infection”, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, (9/99)
- “A Comparison of Various Methods of Fixation in Pauwels’ III Femoral Neck Fractures”, The American Orthopedic Association, 32nd Annual Resident’s Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, (3/99)
- “A Comparison of Various Methods of Fixation in Pauwels’ III Femoral Neck Fractures”, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Aneheim, CA (2/99)
- “Chondrosarcoma”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (2/99)
- “A Comparison of Various Methods of Fixation in Pauwels’ III Femoral Neck Fractures”, Orthopedic Research Symposium, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (5/98)
- “Spinal Stenosis”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (2/98)
- “Isolated Distal Radial-Ulna Joint Dislocation”, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY, (8/97)
- “Fat Embolism Syndrome”, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY, (4/97)
- “Fat Embolism Syndrome”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (2/97)
- “Distal Radius Non-Union”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (10/96)
- “Proximal Humerus Fractures”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (8/96)
- “Pediatric Femur Fractures”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (5/96)
- “Metastatic Disease of the Spine”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (3/96)
- “Intramedullary Femoral Osteotomies”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (2/96)
- “Metaphyseal Cortical Defect of the Distal Femur”, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY, (1/96)
- “Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Hand”, Tumor Board, Nassau County Medical Center, Hempstead, NY, (8/95)
- “A Comparison of Various Methods of Fixation in Pauwels’ III Femoral Neck Fractures”, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Aneheim, CA (2/99)
- Instructor, Syntheses Course for Operating Room Personnel, Philadelphia, PA (1/00)
Atlantic Spine Specialists